Tuesday, April 5, 2011

He uses even this

hmm... where's this post gonna go? I really don't know. I'm writing from a place of confusion right now about some stuff. Many times when I write I can throw all my words on a screen in hopes that some sense will come of it and tell my crazy heart and head what they're thinking. Okay I'll start with this.. Have you ever thought, if only I could go back to this one time and do it differently? Lately I've found myself longing to go back and change my actions or my words thinking it would save me from the pain that I'm going through. I've messed up so many times in one or another, and every time I'm amazed with myself at how I can know full and well what my Savior did for me. He died for everyone of my screw-ups. So how then can I consciously sin? It seems like such a slap in the face of the Lord. It's so frustrating and it's enough to make you hate yourself.

I've got some good news though. Recently I read Genesis 25 about when Isaac was very old and blind and about to die and he called Esau in to bless him. Esau had already been short-sighted enough to trade his birthright to his brother Jacob for a silly bowl of soup so he was really looking forward to the blessing he deserved from his father for being firstborn. Isaac told him to go kill an animal and make dinner for him and then he would bless him. Little did Isaac or Esau know, but Rebekah was listening the whole time and when Esau went out to hunt, she told Jacob (her favorite) what was going on. She sent him to kill one of their goats and she cooked a wonderful meal for Isaac. She covered his smooth arms in the goat hair so they would be as hairy as Esau's and she gave him Esau's cloak so he would smell like him. When Jacob went in to his father with the food, he lied saying he was Esau. Isaac was skeptical at first but convinced by the hairy arms and smell of Esau. He blessed Jacob with all that he could.

This story is pretty cool to me for several reasons. First off, the Lord chooses Jacob, the skinny mama's boy instead of the big and masculine Esau. I guess this shows that the Lord does not pick people how we would. He obviously had an incredible plan through Jacob. The main thing we can learn here though is that Jacob and Rebekah lied and cheated. They sinned. Blatantly. But the Lord already knew that would happen. He named him Jacob, which in Hebrew means "he who grabs the heel" or "he who cheats." The Lord used even their sins for his glory. How beautiful is this! This is not to discount the gravity of sin. It is utterly horrible and disgusting in the Lord's eyes and nothing will change that, but I just find it so neat that he uses even the thing he hates the most to his glory. He already has it factored into his beautiful plan.